Pleasant Valley Glads & Dahlias
PO Box 213 West Suffield, CT 06093
(860) 798-8189 Daytime (860) 668-7868 After 7 PM
Email pleasantvalleyglads@cox.net

Medium Dahlias - over 6-8" in diameter. Size B
FD: Formal decorative (flat petals, often re-curve to stem); ID: Informal decorative (wavy petals) IC: Cactus (petals rolled like quills); SC: Semi-cactus (petals broad at base, rolled or twisted toward tips); WL: Water lily (broad, flat petals); IC: In-curved cactus (tips curve toward center).
AC ABBY (B)(C) Beautiful blend of red with yellow towards the center. Great for show and cut flower. $7.00 - SOLD OUT
AITARA RUFUS (B)(SC) Bright red standout #1 in its class. Great for show and cutflower. $5.00 - SOLD OUT
ALAUNA CARAMEL (B) (LC) Laciniated deep orange. One of my many favorites. $5.00 - SOLD OUT
ALPEN BILL (B)(SC) Light blend of white and lavender. Huge winner in its class and a great cutflower. $9.00 - SOLD OUT
AMY K (B)(SC) Pretty light blend of lavender and white. Wins at shows and a very good cut flower. $5.00
BLACKBERRY RIPPLE (B) (SC) Splashy combination of white and lavender with splashes of purple, #1 in its class and a very good cutflower. $6.50
BLOOMQUIST MARY (B) (SC) excellent creamy white - $7.50 - SOLD OUT
BLOOMQUIST QUILL (B) (SC) Excellent dark red that wins. Also cuts great. $4.50
BO-BAY (B)(SC) Pretty light blend of yellow and lavender, great cutflower. $4.50 - SOLD OUT
BO JOY (ID) A laciniated yellow with that wins in its class and a very good cutflower $4.50 - SOLD OUT
BRACKEN PALOMINO (B)(FD) Beautiful shade of peachy orange with excellent form, great cutflower. $10.00
BRACKEN ROSE (B)(FD) Nicely formed deep pink, good cutflower. SOLD OUT
BRIAN-R (B)(FD) Perfectly formed lavender that's a huge winner and a very good cutflower. $5.00
CAFE-AU-LAIT (B)(ID) Very pretty light pink. The florists love it. $6.50
CAMANO CONCORDE (B) (IC) Huge winning purple, excellent cutflower. $7.00
CAMANO REGAL (B) (SC) Excellent purple cactus. Good cutflower. $5.00 SOLD OUT
CANBY CENTENNIAL (B) (FD) Deep rose-red with a frosty white edge. Super cutflower. $7.00
CASTLE DRIVE (B)(FD) Beautiful light blend of pink and yellow that wins a lot and cuts great. SOLD OUT
CHIMACUM JULIA (B) (I.C.) Nicely formed golden yellow blooms. Big winner. $12.50 - SOLD OUT
CITRON DE CAP (B) A lacinated light yellow. #1 in its class, good cutter also. $8.00 - SOLD OUT
CLEARVIEW LILY (B) (SC) Huge winner at the shows. A pretty deep pink and yellow $8.50 - SOLD OUT
CLEARVIEW TAMMY (B) (SC) Big time show winning white cactus. $5.00
CLIFTONSID (B) (SC) Striking deep yellow that makes a lot of flowers one of my favorite yellows. $4.50
COLWOOD KIM MARIE (B) (LC) A fabulous laciniated red that is one of Jack Colwoods best. Great cut flower $5.00
CORIALO FURIOSO (B) (LC) A laciniated rose with a touch of orange $6.50
DR. JOHN KAISER (B) (ID) Huge winner and a very good cutflower. $7.50 - SOLD OUT
FERNCLIFF FUEGO (B)(SC) Beautiful flame orange that makes a lot of flowers and has great stems. $5.00 - SOLD OUT
FERNCLIFF ILLUSION (B) Beautiful blend of white and lavender. Big winner, great cutflower. $5.00
GEORGE C (BB) (ID) Perfectly formed dark red. Wins and cuts superb $6.50
GLORIOSA (B) (FD) Yellow blooms sprayed with red. Excellent form, big winner and very good cutflower. $3.50
GRANNY NORMAN (B)(SC) Very pretty blend of pink and yellow, superb cutflower. $6.00
HAMARI ACCORD (B) (SW) - One of the biggest winners. A beautiful yellow. $9.00
HILLTOP LOST TREASURE (B)(SC) Pretty blend of deep pink and yellow. Big winner in its class. $6.50
HY DARCY (B) (FD) Pretty blend of light yellow with streaks and blushes of soft rose pink. Reflexes beautifully to the stem. Excellent cutflower that also wins. $6.00 SOLD OUT
HY PATTI (B)(FD) One of the best medium size orange dahlia we grow great cutflower. $15.00 - SOLD OUT
HY RUDY B (B) (SC) Deep wine rose purple with cool full form. Great cutflower and blue ribbon winner. SOLD OUT
JENNIFER'S WEDDING (B) (ID) 3 blooms in a rich deep purple lacinated on the petal edges. Robust grower with good stems for cutting. $4.50
JUANITA (C) Gorgeous velvety dark red. Perennial winner at shows. $4.00 - SOLD OUT
JUST PEACHY Attractive blend of peachy pink and yellow. Tons of blooms. One of the best garden dahlias. $4.00
KENORA LISA (FD) An excellent showflower pink. $6.00 - SOLD OUT
KEVIE B (B) (ID) Beautiful shade of peachy orange. Makes a ton of flowers. Great cutflower. $3.50 - SOLD OUT
LOVER BOY (B)(SC) Heavy blooming dark red that cuts great. Good tuber producer. $3.50
NITA (B) (C) Rose red with ruby red markings. Very striking. One of the best cutflower and exhibition dahlias. $6.50 (limited quantities) - SOLD OUT
NORMANDY BRIGHT DAY (ID) excellent cutflower bright red. $3.50
NORMANDY LISANNE (B)(ID) A deep blend of orange red infused with yellow. Very pretty and great cutflower. $8.00 - SOLD OUT
NORMANY ORANGE FLUFF (B) (LC) beautiful laciniated deep orange - $10.00 - SOLD OUT
NORMANDY WILD WILLIE (B) (LC) Very pretty lacinated purple, only one in its class, excellent cutflower. $6.50
PUNKIN SPICE (B). Excellent orange cutflower- $4.50 - SOLD OUT
RIP CITY (B) (SC) An outstanding black-red with 7 blooms. A prolific bloomer that holds its color very well. Good show and cutflower. $7.00 SOLD OUT
RYECROFT MAGNUM (B) (ID) Super cutflower yellow. $5.00
SCAUR SWINTON (B) (FD) Fantastic deep pink with great form, has won numerous awards and one of my best cutflowers. $6.00
SHOWCASE MAGNIFICO (B) (LC) A laciniated dark red that cuts great. $4.00 - SOLD OUT
STERLING SILVER (B) (FD) Beautifully formed pure white. Has been winning forever. $4.50
STILLWATER KRISTA (B)(ID) Soft yellow with lavender blush on the edges, superb cutflower. $5.50
SYLVIA CRAIG HUNTER (B)(FD) Beautifully formed bright orange, big winner, great cutflower. $7.50 SOLD OUT
WYNNS MAUVE MIST (B) (SC) Pretty light blend of lavender and yellow. Nice form, great cutter. $2.50
YUUKYU (ID) Underrated white, lots of flowers. Wins. $4.00
ZAPPS DESERT STORM (B) (SC) Beautiful dark red with good form. Wins at the shows. $6.00 - SOLD OUT