Pleasant Valley Glads & Dahlias
PO Box 213 West Suffield, CT 06093
(860) 798-8189 Daytime (860) 668-7868 After 7 PM
Email pleasantvalleyglads@cox.net

2023 Gladiola Introductions

(Hartline.23) (379) (Pandoras Box x Unknown) 80 Days. Eye- Catching deep violet purple that Opens 9 ,with 23 buds on a 32” flowerhead. Similar to Violetta, but easier to grow. Great cutflower. L-3.50 M-3.0O

(HARTLINE’ 23) (445) (PILLOW TALK X UNBELIEVABLE) 80 Days - Ruffled medium pink with a white throat and inner lip petals. Opens 12 in formal placement with 26 buds on a 27” flowerhead. Great for show and cutflower. L- 4.00 M-4.00

MY DREAM (HARTLINE ’23) (335) (KNICK KNACK X UNKNOWN) 80 DAYS All American winner in 2022. Ruffled heavy substance medium salmon with cream spears and cream and salmon radiating from the center. Opens 11 in formal placement, with 22 buds on a 22”flowerhead.One of the prettiest salmons I have seen. Very healthy and a good cutflower. L-4.00 M-4.00

PASSION PINK (HARTLINE 23 )(444) (AFTERBURNER X UNBELIEVABLE) 80 DAYS Pure medium pink with deeper pink lip petals Opens 9 ruffled florets in formal placement with 23 buds on a 24” flowerhead. A superb cutflower and good for show also. L-4.00 M-4.00

SHOW WHITE (HARTLINE,23) (201) 80 DAYS (BOY O BOY X GLISTENING WHITE) A show white for sure . A ruffled, heavy substance white with creamy yellow lip petals. Opens 19 in formal placement with 24 buds on a 21”flowerhead.Has the potential to win big. Love it. L-4.00 M-4.00

SWEETEST (HARTLINE,23) (445) 80 DAYS A medium pink on the outer petals blending in to a white throat. Opens 9 ruffled, heavy substance florets in formal placement with 24 buds on a 27” flowerhead. Very healthy and very good for show and cutflower. L-5.00 M-5.00

THAT’S MY BABY (HARTLINE,23) (245) 80 DAYS ( BUCKEYE BEAUTY X UNBELIEVABLE) Heavily ruffled light pink on the edge, blending to a deep pink with a showy rose pink on lip petals. Opens 8 heavy substance florets in formal placement with 19 buds on a 19” flowerhead. Very pretty and great for show and cutflower use. L-3.50 M-3.50