Pleasant Valley Glads & Dahlias
PO Box 213 West Suffield, CT 06093
(860) 798-8189 Daytime (860) 668-7868 After 7 PM
Email pleasantvalleyglads@cox.net

(Hartline ’09) (267) 75 days Ruffled deep burgundy rose with a gold brush stroke on the lower lip petal. Opens 8 in good placement with 22 buds on a flowerhead of 27”. Won miniature champion for me at our show. Will quickly become a leader in its class plus being an all-America selection. A super cutflower. L or M $1.50 - SOLD OUT

(Hartline ’09)(235) 75 days Selected as an All-America in 2007. A light salmon on the inside that blends into a deeper salmon towards the edges with a bright salmon throat highlighted with yellow streaking on the lower petals. Opens 8 ruffled florets in formal placement with 23 buds on a 24” flowerhead. L or M $2.00

(Hartline ’08)(314) 80 days Heavy ruffled medium yellow with deeper yellow lip petals. Opens 11 in formal placement with 27 buds on a 31” plus flowerheads. Has all the qualities to become a top ten show glad and without a doubt superb cutflower. Get the Midas touch. L or M $4.00

(Hartline ’09)(435) 80 days Pure beauty is the color of this glad. A bright orangey salmon on the outer petals that blend into light yellow inner petals that are tipped with orange salmon again. Opens 9 heavy substanced florets in formal placement with 23 buds on a 26” flowerhead. L or M $4.00